But the intensity was not that of one with a devious nature, or one who threatened.
As the story winds down, the cunningly devious nature of the plan is finally revealed.
Each quirk and phase of Twisk's somewhat devious nature are open for inspection.
Then they'd fled, displaying their cowardly, devious, cunning nature.
Revealing his devious nature, Adam has Jeff's office painted with toxic paint.
Knowing Joan Doyle's devious nature, she didn't even blame her husband so much.
So we must prepare a defense, while working out an offense of more devious nature, that may catch the Hectare by surprise and lead to its disadvantage.
Stalin had the devious and hypocritical nature that would enable him to murder Kirov and blame other rivals for the act.
For once Duchamp's devious nature could actually work for the best.
On the other hand, Harry was well aware of the devious nature of the vampire - of all vampires.