But the system remains devilishly complex and easy to hide within.
But with a new strategic arms treaty on the horizon, the Bush Administration is discovering that a seemingly simple idea is devilishly complex.
The Medicaid eligibility rules are devilishly complex.
While devilishly complex to calculate, the tax is fairly straightforward in principle.
Understandably missing from the exhibit are Permissive Action Links, the devilishly complex codes embedded in nuclear weapons.
Is this the same Ira Magaziner who conceived the devilishly complex, 1,342-page scheme to remodel the entire American medical system?
If one is to believe the media coverage - particularly here in the US' no one is safe from the ingenious hackers and their devilishly complex attacks.
But how to achieve that goal, like so much else in the health care debate, is a devilishly complex question.
But what was simple in principle proved devilishly complex in the details.
We couldn't hope to re-create anything like the original, since nature, working with millions of unified cells, is devilishly complex.