For example: small device triggered, warning that air handling system is contaminated, or warning that a biological agent released in a public space.
The devices triggered at different points, and I arranged for them to be triggered from our boats when we came within range during routine operations.
As he moved, the devices triggered a synthesizer to produce sounds that turned him into a one-man band.
An electronic device would trigger the mark.
If the device had triggered, the black powder would have caused a small fire," Lieutenant Boser said, "but it wasn't put together right.
Eventually, the device will trigger the wakeup procedure and check for pending work.
The device also triggers similar incindiary devices in his followers, including Sharon Carter.
The device triggers an alarm, warning drivers that although the tire is not actually flat, it has lost air and needs to be replaced soon.
After that, either a timer or a mechanical device triggered by the person's falling arm as the drugs take effect starts the lethal drug flowing.
An oropharyngeal airway may be used instead, but these devices frequently trigger a patient's gag reflex, while nasopharyngeal airways usually do not.