Some components may periodically change functions - a device, for instance, might be monitoring radio signals at one moment and jamming them the next.
This device monitors the room, so that if you should be found in the midst of some medical crisis, the Healers can study its beginnings.
But the new devices actually monitor the battery and determine its state throughout its lifetime, he said.
This device is placed under the skin in your chest and continuously monitors your heart's rhythm.
Once inserted, the device continuously monitors the rate and rhythm of the heart.
Medical devices with built-in biological computers could monitor, or even alter, cell behavior from inside a patient's body.
In addition to transmitting this data to other devices, the device also monitors the data sent.
The device, which is about the size of a pocket watch, monitors the heart's electrical signals.
Another device will monitor your outside environment, warning you away from sites that pose a health risk.
SamKnows assure consumers that the device does not monitor their activity on the internet or record any personal information.