This device greatly facilitated the detail work for other machines, and progress multiplied.
The device facilitates the removal of lint or other small fibers from most materials such as clothing, upholstery and linen.
A device to facilitate communication.
This behind-the-scenes device facilitates the wheel's spinning motion.
Such a device would facilitate video conferencing, and allow co-workers across the globe to collaborate on projects.
Some such device often facilitates turning in bed, and on that account may be found even more useful at night than during the day.
Mobile telephony and full featured mobile devices also facilitate activism and citizen journalism.
Such a device may provide or facilitate both basic services and supplementary services, such as call transfer, park, pick-up, and hold.
Electronic devices such as cellphones and computers facilitate rapid access to a constant stream of sources, each of which may receive cursory attention.
The device works like a lever and considerably facilitates the process of lengthening.