These early discoveries were "lost" until the recent emergence of such melanins in device applications, particularly electroluminescent displays.
The boundary states can become ideal conduction channel which may leads to device application of topological phases.
The columnar liquid crystals are noted for their highly anisotropic conducting properties, which is exploited in device applications.
This was done with a view toward device applications of thin films (8-9).
Nutrisystem provides paper, online, and mobile device applications to encourage customers to record their food intake and physical activity.
Can you tell me how the submission of a medical device application is going?
Research in condensed matter physics has given rise to several device applications, such as the development of the semiconductor transistor, and laser technology.
Materials under consideration for thermoelectric device applications include:
Smart phones and tablets can use a dedicated mobile device application for secure access to online services.
Motorola filed a patent application for mobile device applications in 2006.