The later Hirai-written stories deviated further from the source material and included scenes of sexual and gruesome imagery of a kind not seen in the original U.S. Spider-Man comics.
Particles with high friction coefficients show lower discharge angles the end close to the chute, while the trajectory of particles with low friction coefficients deviate further away from the chute.
This decrease is minimal for small deviations, but the force drops off rapidly as the length deviates further from the ideal.
Under the "integration tiebreaker," high schools that deviate by more than 15 percent from the systemwide balance, which is 60 percent nonwhite, must take account of an applicant's race in order not to deviate further.
Since Jews deviated further than most other groups from the blueprint he had in mind, he needed to take particularly strong measures to make them conform to it.
Deviating further are the numbers placed upon each chair, which serve two purposes.
This phase shift is polarization dependent and grows as the incidence angle deviates further from the critical angle toward grazing incidence.
As anomalies arose, as the joint deviated further and further from specifications, NASA convinced itself that it understood the problem more fully.
(Turning toward the needle, such as done on a front course, causes the aircraft to deviate further from the correct inbound track.)
New g 2 measurement deviates further from Standard Model.