The anatomy proximal to the site of constriction (or amputation) is developmentally normal.
In most cases of Cryptotia, the upper-ear cartilage that is buried under the scalp is developmentally normal, but occasionally, it is abnormal and might also require correction.
You're developmentally normal.
Ellis, speaking at the 2012 AnimeNEXT convention, considered that both bronies and otaku fans are "psychologically and developmentally normal" and are simply "non-majoritarian" in their choice of active interests.
And some 90 percent of women with epilepsy give birth to healthy, developmentally normal children even though many are taking medication, experts say.
Infected children who, like Joey, remain mentally and developmentally normal are fortunate.
In order to study the specific effects of divorce, the two chose children who were all developmentally normal, doing well in school, and in good psychological health.
Until recently, retarded adults were routinely sterilized, even though they usually give birth to developmentally normal kids.
One group was considered to be developmentally normal, while a second control group was developmentally delayed but not autistic.
And no one knows if babies who have normal brain examinations at 1 year will be developmentally normal at 6 or 7.