This could point to a developmental trend involving a reduction of calcareous matter in the course of time, as a gradual weight reduction beneficial for holoplanktonic life.
Also, because members of a cohort all experience historical events unique to their generation, apparently normative developmental trends may in fact be universal only to their cohort.
Around 140 social scientists are conducting research on the developmental trends, problems of adaptation, and possibilities for innovation in modern societies.
Such differences may be indicative of more elaborate language and progress in the direction predicted by normal developmental trends, or the child's language may be deteriorating.
Starting when children are born, their development could be monitored and tracked so parents can see if any behavioral or developmental trends are developing that they should be aware.
The picture superiority effect in recognition memory shows a developmental trend, becoming more pronounced with age.
Longitudinal studies are often used in psychology to study developmental trends across the life span, and in sociology to study life events throughout lifetimes or generations.
Age differences and developmental trends in alarm peep responses by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus).
Rather, a theory can be said to be "true" when, in any given historical situation, it expresses the real developmental trend of that situation.
This year's developmental trends are also evident in the more complex navigational gear that is on exhibit.