Courses are provided in general education, lower-division transfer programs, occupational and developmental education.
The Academy is dedicated towards developmental education and religious growth, for both boys and girls from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8.
Eco-Schools is an international program of environmental and sustainable developmental education for schools.
Since placement tests are designed to predict student learning in college courses, by extension they predict the need for developmental education.
Adelman has shown that this is not necessarily a result of developmental education itself.
But many entertainment baby boomers who take pride in their liberal credentials reject the prep-school classroom in favor of a more progressive "developmental" education.
ERIC review: Issues in developmental education.
Remediation beyond developmental education: The use of learning assistance centers to increase academic preparedness in community colleges.
To provide programs of remedial and developmental education for those whose previous education may not have prepared them for college.
Pauk has been lauded as "one of the most influential professors in the field of developmental education and study skills".