However, if it presents within the first two years of life or in the teenage years, the disease often follows a more chronic course, requiring long term immunosuppression, with serious developmental consequences.
Perhaps more obvious are the developmental and communicative consequences of childhood hearing loss (Boone 200-05).
As stated by the ECA, it is the aim of the German government not to support any projects that have serious negative ecological, social, or developmental consequences.
As if anticipating the Times story, a below-the-fold USAT piece summarizes a psychological study that shows children left at day care tend to have a weaker bond with their mothers, which may have developmental consequences.
Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor continues its unique civil society monitoring program on the humanitarian and developmental consequences of landmines, cluster munitions, and explosive remnants of war.
Cosby and Poussaint state that verbal and emotional abuse of the children is prominent in the parenting style of Black single mothers, with serious developmental consequences for the children.
Mortierella forms zygospores that are the developmental consequence of plasmogamy between gametangia belonging to complementary mating types.
He said he missed Helen, that she was sorry for something she did before I was born, some indulgence or omission that carried developmental consequences.
Thirdly, are you willing to make sure that efforts go beyond the health sector, realising that the socio-economic and developmental consequences are so serious?
The developmental consequences of child maltreatment.