Original and model exhibits illustrating the historical development of transport in Edinburgh.
The development of better transport through the availability of motor cars opened up the area.
The interests of passengers must be borne in mind in the development of public transport.
Apart from the development of secure transport at national and trans-European level, other proposals contained in the report are also extremely important.
We side with the workers who are fighting for the development of public transport.
If the growth in emissions is really worrying, the available resources should be spent specifically on the development of emissions-free transport.
The sustainable development of transport can help to abate climate change.
The development of transport is a factor which facilitates the delivery of aid.
However, while I am on the subject, I would like to say that today, we should consider and discuss the development of alternative transport.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, no one will deny that the development of transport has a considerable impact on the environment.