Among his innovative recommendations was development of light cavalry to combat Mongol tactics.
This would allow the development of consistent tactics, and teamwork, and an increasing effectiveness.
These conflicts saw the development and refinement of tactics which came to be called the line of battle.
This could help with the development of better modern naval tactics for attacking with and defending against such missiles.
The 14th and the beginning of 15th centuries were characterized by fast development of arms, tactics and strategy as well.
The submarine, introduced in World War I, led to the development of new weapons and tactics.
The results of these tests helped in the development of tactics to counter the new fighter.
Much of his Army career paralleled the development of armored tactics and weapons.
Instead, the insight needs to be coupled with the development of alternative methods or different tactics.
The pike square dominated European battlefields and influenced the development of tactics well into the 17th century.