Several Long Island officials had complained that the development would endanger their source of power.
Australians feared that economic development on the mainland would endanger many of their distinct creatures and looked to this island as a natural refuge.
Demographic and economic development is endangering our current forms of civilisation and social co-living and our future ability to inhabit our planet.
Few developments would so directly endanger American security interests.
The fact is, yes, development has endangered the bird species and is a problem for the natural world.
Although some measures have been taken by the Municipality to preserve these gardens, many illegal developments still endanger them.
It is thought that development at the chosen site could endanger wildlife.
He and other environmental advocates maintain that development of the forest land would endanger wildlife.
It is intended to ensure that the development of the technology does not endanger human health and the environment.
It is quite obvious that such developments endanger biodiversity.