Holistic development through people's participation calls for integration of services at grass roots level.
Koolhaas is right to insist, however, that contemporary urban development calls for a fresh approach.
On that site it is now proposed to build a large Leisure related development called the Yes project.
Some people said this development called the validity of our 1994 agreement into question.
This development would call for a different set of ground rules-already Pitt found himself wondering what the competition was like.
These developments, labor leaders noted, called into question the future of the American Republic.
The planned development of the capital called for a new central executive zone to be built around the former palace.
Iraq's as yet uncertain development calls for us to exercise the utmost vigilance.
They make it clear that the development of an information society must not call workers' rights in question.
Before long, the museum's steady development called for a new space to better serve its growing audiences.