Hopefully, Apple knows developers view this as a valuable resource, as do users.
It is an inversion of the way a typical entrepreneurial developer views the world.
The developers view the colleges, with their course offerings, libraries, athletic events and performing arts centers, as marketing lures that entice retirees to their communities.
Some developers view the mandated signs as a liability in their efforts to rent space to corporate tenants that have an aversion to honky-tonk glitter.
Subversion allows other developers to view the code easily.
The developers also view the sale as the springboard for an $85 million building program, which they will initially finance themselves.
This integration allows developers to view analysis results while they are writing the code.
Mr. Antonicello said that for many years developers viewed the city's growth corridor "as the narrow band at the river's edge."
Some developers view this as a major drawback of this technique.
No longer content to allow gentrification to proceed at its own tentative pace, developers now view even the humblest civic undertaking as a potential gold mine.