The developers will install a white three-board horse fence along the highway.
The developers had probably installed the minimum requirement, which worked in my favour.
The developers also installed a water-cooled air-conditioning system in 2002 at a cost of HK$13 million.
The developers installed "small towns" and "treeets" within the building.
In 1963, developers of an apartment complex at 333 East 69th street installed 16 town house units on the ground floor, eight with separate street entrances.
To block out the noise, the developer has installed triple-paned windows.
To help muffle the sound of passing trains, the developers are installing triple-glazed windows especially designed to keep noise out.
The developers are installing a new lobby and they are replacing the two elevators.
Under this agreement the developers installed 805 seats in the main stand.
In 1970, he wrote a law requiring that developers of new buildings install Braille and audio signals in elevators.