This should be expected; it's a developer conference, after all.
Ahead of f8, Facebook's highly anticipated annual developer conference happening later today, we let you know what to expect.
That's why typical developer conferences can cost $1500, plus travel, hotel, and $73 for the Internet access in your hotel room.
Many presenters in developer conferences use their own variant on Takahashi.
The company has an annual developers conference called ServoyWorld.
Apple made a rare pre-announcement confirming the new software - and speaker - at next week's annual developer conference.
It was announces at the 2005 World Wide Developers Conference.
Some 7,000 people have registered to attend Microsoft's professional developers conference, which begins today in Los Angeles.
Asked by a parent at the developers conference to offer video game advice to his 11-year old son, he signs this message instead: "Play outside on sunny days."
They plan a Developers Conference for October.