In February 2013, a developer applied for planning permission to demolish the building and replace it with student housing consisting of 144 flats.
A developer bought the building in 1979, and applied for a demolition permit.
The commission refused permission to dig until October, not long after a developer applied for city permits to build a three-family house on the site.
Citywide, developers applied for building permits representing 15,870 new units in the first six months of this year, census figures show.
The other approved projects will likely take longer, because the developers must first apply for and receive federal and state grants or tax credits.
The developers applied for a four-story development.
A developer applied recently to build 390 single-family homes in the township, which could have generated an estimated 700 schoolchildren.
The developers then applied for a zoning change from residential to commercial uses.
Here, neither the developer nor the bank had applied for variances that might have resolved five of the Commission's eight objections to the project.
A developer, for example, may apply a digital signature to an applet, thereby labeling it as safe.