He then stated that the Pythagorean formula, which he had earlier developed empirically, for predicting winning percentage from runs, was "the same thing" as the log5 formula, though without a convincing demonstration or proof.
He's the man who correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically.
These categories were developed empirically on the basis of many aviation accident reports.
This technique had been developed empirically, as there is no evidence that ancient iron producers understood the chemistry involved.
The CCC was developed empirically through the examination of approximately 40,000 textual phrases representing nursing diagnoses/patient problems and 72,000 phrases depicting patient care services and/or actions.
Principles of image interpretation have been developed empirically for more than 150 years.
These were developed empirically after studying dozens of Newcomen engines in Cornwall and Newcastle, and building an experimental engine of his own at his home in Austhorpe in 1770.
He has developed and empirically tested neural network models that simultaneously learn new perceptual and conceptual representations, with the learned concepts both affecting and being affected by perception.