More rarely, affected individuals may develop certain malignant (cancerous) tumors.
Even when they are exposed to serious carcinogens, diet-controlled animals often fail to develop tumors.
Children with the hereditary form of retinoblastoma may continue to develop new tumors for a few years after diagnosis.
The skin may develop tumors that can become ulcerated, causing infection.
Sam68-/- mice did not develop tumors and showed no immunological or other major illnesses.
Some patients develop internal tumors that can compress important nerves and cause paralysis or blindness.
These glands are capable of developing both benign and malignant tumors.
That meant that he would develop tumors along his nerves, some of which could be malignant.
A child who has hereditary retinoblastoma is at risk for developing pineal tumors in the brain.
Approximately 20% patients will develop multiple tumors within the thyroid gland.