At the last minute, Harriet had developed shingles.
According to one estimate, 300,000 Americans develop shingles every year.
Once they've had chickenpox, they have the potential to develop shingles later in life.
Around one in four people will develop shingles in their lifetime, with men and women affected equally.
Vaccinated study participants who did develop shingles also had reduced pain compared to participants given a placebo shot.
Anyone who has had chickenpox in childhood can develop shingles at some point in their lives.
Even in those who are vaccinated and still develop shingles, the painful period is reduced.
This newly infected individual may then develop chickenpox, but will not immediately develop shingles.
One in three Americans will develop shingles during their lives.
And, for most women who develop shingles during pregnancy, the prognosis is good.