They jumped at the chance to develop signature styles, shapes and combinations designed to dazzle the customer in the critical opening moments of the dining experience.
Others have develop shapes and styles using new colors such as green, yellow, even purpose, sweeping lines and extremely thin lines.
These bases help to quickly develop living shapes and surround territory.
In other hands this sort of thing could be dry: the other musicians busied themselves with single notes or textures rather than developing melodic shapes.
The only high-tech part was developing certain shapes, baffles and flues, to triple the stove's efficiency.
It takes time to develop complex shapes like turbine blades.
Over the years the collages developed an abstract simplicity, evidenced by black or somber colors and rectangular shapes isolated against a neutral backdrop.
My engineering background has been very useful in developing small shapes and creating new designs.
Flowers created us, and they developed shapes and scents pleasing to us, and we in turn serve them.
In these models Hundertwasser also developed new architectural shapes, such as the "eye-slit" house and the "high-rise meadow house"