I was very pleased to notice a boil developing nicely on the back of his neck.
"With a child who is developing nicely, learning language and how to be social, it isn't a problem."
Before very long everything was trim, green and developing nicely.
The scratch on my cheek was developing nicely, getting new ideas about colour every hour.
In the next stall stood Maserati, whose chocolate highlights were developing nicely.
The persona he developed in print adapts nicely to the roots-conscious, merit-oriented 90's.
Our amiable discussion was developing nicely when we were interrupted from a hail without.
All is well as the holiday develops nicely, but one day the couple's little boy disappears.
Assuming ED289/290 develops nicely in pill form, allow me to slip each dictator a mickey.
But, they're developing nicely, and one in particular helped me find them.