There is little financial incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to develop medications for these diseases or conditions.
Orphan drug status, however, gives a manufacturer specific financial incentives to develop and provide such medications.
And over the last 50 years, scientists have developed numerous effective medications to treat psychosis and other symptoms of mental illness.
We have developed certain medications that are effective in this sort of climate, yes.
"Many cancers are stimulated by estrogen, so we've developed medications to block it" (1:12)
Historically, the pharmaceutical industry has developed medications based on empiric observations and more recently, known disease mechanisms.
By studying our tolerance to pain we can develop more efficient medications for pain treatment.
Over time, this list will grow, as researchers continue to develop new medications for ADHD.
And there is promising research to develop medications that may help addicts overcome their habits.
The company is developing oral medications that target G-protein-coupled receptors.