It would be his last game; during spring training the following year he developed glaucoma, which ended his career.
He developed glaucoma in his right eye, and sciatica in his left hip.
Among African-Americans, who are three times as likely as whites to develop glaucoma, only 11 percent were aware of their risk, the survey showed.
Can I develop glaucoma if I have increased eye pressure?
Not every person with increased eye pressure will develop glaucoma.
Can I develop glaucoma without an increase in my eye pressure?
Of those eyes with angle recession, very few (reportedly 0-20%) develop glaucoma.
In those that do develop glaucoma, the onset is extremely variable, ranging from immediately following the trauma to months or even many years later.
When he began to develop glaucoma, he gave it to me.
Fitzgerald Octave, for example, who developed glaucoma as a result of diabetes in 2002, wanted to start his own auto body shop.