Plans are being made to develop a long-term strategy for the sustainability and development of the archive.
In the 1990s, Emissaries of Divine Light developed new programs for spiritual understanding and personal development.
Intended to provide travel options and to develop the passenger rail market for further development in the future.
It is possible that this chip was originally developed for internal development and testing use at Konami.
The European integration model has developed along the lines of strategies for mutual support for stable economic growth, social development and environmental protection.
This paper will also respond to your request to develop and propose models and tools for sustainable urban development.
We can also develop the potential for cultural and social development that this dual purpose permits and requires.
Three national priorities have been developed for community learning and development in Scotland:
To develop Civil Engineering modules for community growth and development.
They received approval in 1984 from the county to develop 634 acres of the property, with the rest set aside for development at least until after 1992.