History isn't really developing critical faculties, it's knowledge and largely created knowledge.
The curriculum aims to help students develop critical faculties and judgment by learning how to access, synthesize, and communicate knowledge effectively.
"The reiterated efforts of a healthy person to develop mediumistic faculties cause fatigue, disease and may even derange reason."
She thought you should develop your own self and mental faculties, and go through yourKarma.
Ian continues to develop rapidly; within a day, he appears as a four-year old child and already developed mental faculties.
As the economy changed, the university naturally followed, developing new faculties such as Management, Environmental Protection, Information Sciences and Humanities.
They had developed faculties that enabled them to circumvent the lawlessness of their environment, to forecast its very randomness, and impose law and order on the ever-changing chaos.
Men who live lives of constant peril develop certain obscure faculties or instincts to a keenness unknown to those lapped about by the securities of "civilization."
Doc Tom awoke at the same time, and yawned and said, "I'm surprised that they have developed such retentive faculties at this early stage of development."
I had to develop certain alien faculties to handle all the alien concepts that are dumped into me.