Sorg Associates bought the building for $1,300,000, in 2003, which has plans to develop condominiums on the vacant lot.
In addition, the company has developed residential condominiums and a commercial retail center.
In the 1980's, it developed a Four Seasons Hotel and condominiums around the corner on another Park Square urban renewal site.
It develops single houses, townhouses, condominiums, shop-houses, and high rise commercial buildings, as well as projects from small sizes to very large self-contained communities.
The yard is zoned "RT-4" which, among other residential uses, allowed bidders the option to develop high rise apartments or condominiums.
Soon after, two developers purchased it to develop condominiums.
There are plans to develop residential condominiums, offices, and more retail space on the vacant lands that surround the district.
(Mr. Wynn, too, is expected to develop condominiums on the property behind his new hotel.)
In its 17-year history, Kalian has developed single-family homes, town houses and condominiums throughout New Jersey.
The company has developed more than 15,400 apartments and condominiums within 65 communities.