In response the British troops, without orders, fired a devastating volley.
After the launched of the devastating volley of missiles, the player is ordered by Fran to escape the city and advance to the extraction point.
The 36th Arkansas delivered a devastating volley of fire on the soldiers of regiments from Wisconsin and Iowa and forced them to withdraw.
The French infantry, secure behind their barriers, allowed the Dutch to draw very close before releasing a devastating volley upon them.
The troops were, in fact, men of Jubal Early's brigade and, before this could be ascertained, the Confederates unleashed a devastating volley on the unsuspecting 21st.
The advantage of the Helblaster is that it can fire several shots at once in a devastating volley.
In theory, a line of battleships so equipped could unleash a devastating volley of torpedoes on an enemy line steaming a parallel course.
They were met with a devastating volley from the Confederate infantry posted behind a fence on the road, allowing only 71 of 174 to escape.
However, it was a Confederate regiment, and they were able to get quite close before releasing a devastating volley on the 45th.
At a distance of "sixty paces", Trimble's infantry stood up and delivered a devastating volley.