Pagnol, starting from a story about the search for water, managed to unleash a devastating tragedy.
He managed to save a few scientists and his only local friend, Baron Pampa, before a devastating tragedy happened.
The couple dealt with a devastating tragedy in January2009 when their son Jett died of a seizure at age 16.
"This is a devastating tragedy," he said.
Standing by the fire together, they could almost feel that nothing had changed, could almost forget the devastating tragedy.
Casey suffered a devastating personal tragedy while stationed undercover in Chechnya.
If the attacks of 2001 recede as a devastating but unique tragedy, the decision to create a new legal framework may seem like overkill.
It seemed as if this was the most devastating personal tragedy she could imagine-losing Richard-and yet, she wasn't crying.
Tropicana officials called the collapse a devastating tragedy, but said it was too early to talk about causes.
My heart goes out to her parents, family and friends, who must endure such tremendous grief and suffering from this senseless, devastating tragedy.