To his wife, mother-in-law's offer can mean a devastating indictment of her cooking abilities, or, worse, a demonstration of a prior claim on her husband.
Without question, the most devastating indictment of affirmative action is that it results in hiring quotas.
The fact that the secret report had been obtained from an underworld source was described by Oz as a "devastating indictment of police".
It would be a devastating moral indictment of an age that has too soon forgotten the anguish smallpox can unleash upon the world.
It was a devastating indictment of all around it.
Ms. Churchill's most recent play, "Far Away," a devastating indictment of war, will be a highlight of the company's next season.
The committee report served as a devastating indictment of the agencies and their departing leader, George J. Tenet.
These repeated failures should be considered a devastating indictment of Mr. Bush's foreign policy, only compounded by his inept domestic performance.
Placing President Bush's new policy in that context is a devastating indictment.
Though her anger is self-evident, she does not become exasperated, but maintains a gentility that makes her indictment more devastating.