However, on the right, the Roman cavalry routed the Samnite infantry with a devastating charge on their flank.
An undiscovered leak, or a plumbing defect unreported by a tenant to an owner, may bring on a devastating charge.
By then the Brazilian cavalry had finally reached the battlefield, and was able to cross the river and make a devastating charge against the Paraguayan position.
He ended with a devastating charge, and turned in anticipation even as Drizzt started to jump aside.
The cavalry still remained battle-deciders though, with Napoleon maintaining several reserve cavalry corps to be employed at the decisive moment in battle to finally break the enemy formations with a devastating charge.
British heavy dragoons made devastating charges against French infantry at the Battle of Salamanca in 1812 and at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
But when asked to comment on these devastating charges, Mr. Smith's lawyers were compelled, under the terms of the gag order, to respond "no comment."
For instance, Rhino has a devastating charge, but only a limited ability to redirect it once he's moving, and a battleground laden with electrical transformers and explosive barrels calls for finesse.
And the grand new accusation, the devastating and impressive charge that has lasted for decades, went spilling from Republican lips.
The battle was decided in 20 minutes by the devastating charge of Polish-Lithuanian cavalry, the Winged Hussars.