By being eminently fair, Lou Cannon has written a devastating account of Ronald Reagan's Presidency.
And now, with the Internet and with so many Chinese studying abroad, many scholars are also familiar with the devastating accounts published in the West.
For a devastating account of how this has come to be, read this essay by a Republican House staff member who just retired in disgust after three decades.
Now a devastating account tells her story in full.
What makes this account both devastating and entertaining is the way Hoffman has pieced it together.
Instead, Mr. Dorsey has produced the most devastating account of a salesman's lot since Willie Loman's last call.
The Seattle Times's devastating account of the charges has raised critical questions about the use of unidentified sources.
"It's mostly an acting manual," Mr. Brustein said, "but the first hundred pages are a devastating account of life behind the scenes at the Strasbergs'."
A court document filed on Monday by prosecutors contained a devastating and detailed account of how Diallo had misled investigators.
What's more, Dallek presents a devastating account of irresponsibility and dysfunction within the White House as the Watergate scandal unfolded.