Parties' positions are usually determined beforehand within their working groups or in plenary sessions.
It was indeed God's sovereign will that the nations would, over time, move throughout the world and settle in places determined beforehand by God Almighty.
Therefore, the ideal cooling rate cannot be determined beforehand, and should be empirically adjusted for each problem.
For the World Series, however, home-field advantage is determined beforehand, without reference to wild-card status.
Fares differ depending on the neighborhood and length of ride, and must be determined beforehand, as they have no meters.
The places where ice may fall can always be determined beforehand.
It is used most commonly when coding integers whose upper-bound cannot be determined beforehand.
The agreement made beforehand determined how this dowry would be recovered.
If part of that calculation is sales by destination, that cannot be determined beforehand, so there is real uncertainty for those companies.
"Ay," replied the Preceptor, "trial moves rapidly on when the judge has determined the sentence beforehand."