The temperature of the amalgam is determined to a great extent by lamp power.
"But they determine, to a large extent, how much a studio can get from home video and other markets."
"This determines to a large extent whether the player will like the ball," he says.
By controlling 527's, donors believed, they could determine, to a greater extent than ever before, the message and the strategy of a Democratic presidential campaign.
Whether a person thinks positively is determined to a significant extent by personality, psychologists say.
Blood group determines thrombosis risk to a significant extent.
The appearance of various materials are determined to a large extent by their reflectance properties.
The density of the material will determine to a large extent, the various properties of the end product.
It is American producers who determine, to a large extent, what we see in ballet.
Values, myths, symbols, and all the trappings of our culture are determined to a large extent by the underground press.