Part of the finishing effort has been to determine the sequence of each individual element.
An algorithm for the task system produces a schedule that determines the sequence of states.
No, the first thing you do is determine the lengthy sequence of activities necessary even to begin the job.
These decisions determine the sequence in which the story's events will occur, and progress the plot toward a specific heroine's ending.
How well the player shoots will determine the sequence of events and how long the town survives.
The software can also compare much data of this type to determine the amino-acid sequence.
He also determined the first sequence responsible for replication of a cancer causing virus.
In 1950 he published his first paper using the method later known as Edman degradation, to determine the sequence of a protein.
Process planning is concerned with determining the sequence of individual manufacturing operations needed to produce a given part or product.
It ought to determine the unlocking sequence within a few minutes.