Dear colleagues, this is an ambitious agenda, but one on which the United Kingdom is determined to make concrete progress.
The method provides a means to deliver a fully implemented system and also has ways to determine progress in a project through the use of milestones.
Appropriate means would have to be found, of course, to determine progress made in each area.
The lowest, slowest or the weakest in a group or society determines the speed or progress of the whole.
Queries from the human are used to gather status information on either support functions of the agent or to determine progress on missions.
This is exactly what should determine social progress.
Other Factors Possible Another possibility is that curriculum is only one element in determining academic progress, and maybe a less important one than some suppose.
They criticized the simplicity in Marx's arguments and held that ideas and cultural beliefs and values to determine societal progress and the evolution of society.
The pace of the reforms will determine progress during the negotiations.
Staff follow up with patients by telephone or in person in 1 to 3 weeks to determine progress toward or barriers to meeting goals.