Warmus had a history of stalking boyfriends and hiring private detectives to determine their whereabouts.
"If you'll state your business, I'll be happy to determine Roarke's current whereabouts and see if he's available to you."
The police detained both his mother and brother but failed to determine his whereabouts.
Lowe's colleagues at work also tried to determine his whereabouts through personal contacts in Singapore.
If you happen across him, or can determine his whereabouts, then be sure to tell me.
But the military, he said, has been "unable to determine his whereabouts."
She has asked for your help in investigating each quirky carnival worker to determine their whereabouts when the clock strikes twelve.
Quickly he dispatched messengers to determine their whereabouts.
Sarah was able to determine Stephen's whereabouts, and she and Chuck track him down.
Had that failed, he said, at 12:45 he would have tried to determine the tanker's whereabouts by radar.