And in some instances, cases are being dismissed that, before the Supreme Court decisions, might have gone to a jury to determine certain issues.
Later, he said he was forming an exploratory committee to determine issues relating to a "possible candidacy."
The need to determine substantive issues without delay must also be taken into account when the court is considering what final order it should make.
Experts are used in electricity contracts to determine technical issues and/or the price.
And doesn't Prop. 8 once again challenge the idea of using popular vote initiatives to determine issues of civil rights?
The provincial courts have a much more extensive jurisdiction, including the constitutionally entrenched power to determine constitutional issues.
"It is blindingly clear," he said, "that judges have no greater aptitude than the average person to determine moral issues."
The planning department of this sixth company questioned the usefulness of determining key environmental issues, particularly given the effort involved.
In our system of government only the courts can and should determine constitutional issues of obscenity.
The tribunal may also use assessors to determine particular issues.