Those with a high external locus of control believe that powerful others, fate, or chance primarily determine events.
The scientists were also able to determine other seminal events in the meteorite's existence.
A number of observers employ different colored filters to determine colored transient events on the Moon.
Since it follows the lunar system, it is the window for Nepalis to determine cultural events, including the Tihar itself.
Because "Chutney Popcorn" knows its characters deeply enough to let them determine events, it rises above formula.
Many Hondurans, regardless of their political affiliation, seem to believe that the U.S. has great power to determine and influence events on the ground.
They believe that an abstract power or force guides and determines events in the world.
It can also be used interchangeably with causal determinism - in the context of its capacity to determine future events.
The 16 postholes associated with the mound and enclosure have recently been interpreted as a simple astronomical calendar, to determine seasonal events or holidays.
Landmarks are analyzed to determine certain articulatory events (gestures) which are connected with them.