However, it seems justified as reallocating the courts power to determine such disputes and vesting it in a tribunal raises questions of fairness.
For example, in Queensland, a commissioner oversees a dispute resolution process, under which adjudicators determine disputes by making orders.
This guidance note sets out the procedures for the enforcing authority and the responsible person under the legislation to ask the Secretary of State to determine disputes.
However, the most important function of the Visitor was within academic institutions, where the Visitor had to determine disputes arising between the institution and its members.
Several of the Convention delegates said that the federal courts would have power to determine disputes between the federal government and the states.
The state also has authority to determine disputes which arise out of the operation of its laws.
In 1867, Queensland had set up a parliamentary committee called the "Committee of Elections and Qualifications" to determine disputes.
By the 18th century, the process of Parliament determining disputes became tainted.
In 1868 Parliament handed its power to determine disputes to the common law courts.
The power to determine electoral disputes was transferred to the courts in 1880 by the Election Petitions Act 1880.