We believe these doubts could deter women from enrolling in a study that promises to yield insight into, and provide treatment for, an epidemic disease.
"It deters able men and women from seeking office."
However, the portrayal of raped women in the press may be considered likely to deter women from reporting rape to the police.
She says that "money should not be a concern that deters women from having regular mammograms."
Kirkbridge also suggested that criticism of her expense claims could deter women from entering Parliament.
The financial impact of paying for legal advice will deter women from seeking help.
We have learned that some police officers are using the threat of police action as a way to deter women from making complaints.
Money should not be a concern that deters women from having regular mammograms.
Did the program deter women from going to the hospital?
However, these difficulties did not deter African-American women in their effort to secure the vote.