To deter vandalism, a uniformed mannequin officer was placed in the window and the boat basin removed.
The Norbertines held his funeral before dawn and covered his grave with concrete to deter vandalism.
There are street wardens operating in Byker to deter vandalism and other low level crime.
Many of these paintings were saved by panels of shatterproof glass installed to deter vandalism.
By the 1880s, these pillar boxes were being made of heavy cast iron to deter theft or vandalism.
In January 2008 a fence was erected around the building to deter vandalism.
Metro pioneered the playing of classical music in some of its stations to deter vandalism.
In 1996 bronze "masks" were added to the sculptures to repair vandalism damage and deter future vandalism.
It was a fake, without tape, placed there to deter ongoing vandalism in the restroom.
The toilets are primarily intended for the indigent, and charging a quarter will hardly deter vandalism.