Clearly, this was a case for the historical detective squad.
It was an old habit from working the day shift on the detective squads.
He tried to keep up with the investigation, but his calls to the detective squad were intercepted by a desk officer: Not in.
Later that month, he was transferred to the Detective Squad at the 67th.
Also present were many colleagues of the victims from the District Attorney's detective squad.
"Based on the numbers, unless they supplement the ranks of detectives, we may see some detective squads close down," he said.
He can reel off cases where towns and detective squads and even countries have been wrong.
David Stein, head of the detective squad, was quoted as saying, "You see a case like this maybe once in a career."
He was immediately reappointed to a patrolman and assigned to the detective squad.
Will the entire force - detective squads, patrol cars, narcotics division and so on - adopt the new science?