As detectives canvassed the housing complex for information about the shooting, a yellow police ribbon hung next to the basketball court where the gunfight broke out.
After the slaying, detectives canvassed nearby neighborhoods, posting fliers and showing the surveillance videotape to anyone who might be able to identify the man.
Sgt. Tina Mohrmann, a police spokeswoman, said yesterday that detectives had canvassed the city but had not found any potential suspects.
In the days after the assault, detectives had canvassed the community with a sketch of the suspect.
Precisely what led to the incident remained in dispute yesterday as detectives canvassed the neighborhood for witnesses, with limited success, and officials promised a full investigation.
To learn if she had been with anyone when she bought the meal, detectives canvassed the neighborhood with the box, which had an unusual shape.
After her disappearance, their was an extensive search with detectives and police officers canvassing the area for possible witnesses.
During the day, detectives were canvassing the neighborhood and the area around the hospital, hoping to get a lead on the mother's whereabouts.
At least four detectives from the 19th Precinct and the Manhattan robbery squad canvassed the hotel for witnesses.
Residents said detectives had canvassed the neighborhood during the weekend.