As a precaution, the demon invoked various detection spells, fearing an unseen assailant.
Malice had put a detection spell on his reply, Dinin realized.
It becomes clear why Tara botched the attempted "detection spell" in Season Four.
Ryence's fingers finally flashed through a detection spell.
He pointed in the general direction of the giant's feet and ran his fingers through the motions of a detection spell.
Barjin's detection spells had not yet expired and when he focused on this newest arrival, his curiosity turned to delight.
Urtho's champions had invisibility against magical sight-to mind-scanning, to detection spells, to magical scrying.
Magical detection spells hadn't located it, but that could be readily explained by the nature of Donigarten.
Alton could only hope that Vierna had no detection spell aimed at his words.
She whispered a quick detection spell and studied the wall.