In fact, some of its distinctive configurations contain groupings so closely knit that it's almost impossible to detect individuals.
It wants someone to develop a sniffing machine that can detect individuals by their body odor.
This experiment uses clonal screening to detect homozygous individuals and kept them in a constant line.
Yet she was also experienced at detecting individuals who didn't conform to their species' behavior patterns.
Clinical sport psychologists have training in psychology so that they can detect and treat individuals with emotional disorders.
Subsequently, microbiology tests were done to detect infected individuals and to find the source of the bacteria in their environment.
The ultimate goal of this training is to detect individuals with the physical, intellectual and psychological potential needed to work into the marine commandos.
The researchers said the test might ultimately help detect individuals for whom ingestion of too much sodium leads to high blood pressure.
There is no test now to detect individuals who can avoid developing high blood pressure by reducing their consumption of salt.
An accurate test could detect individuals who might be healthy carriers of the virus and those who have mild cases.