Visiting doctors and scientists detect gaps in Carla's memory, and Tacey also slowly realises that all is not well, when Carla starts eating the houseplants.
The sensors, intended to alert the train crew if someone or something is caught in the doors, can detect gaps between doors as narrow as the width of a credit card, sending a signal to the conductor to hold back the train.
Though some of the disparity may arise because companies anticipate sharing the tab with other responsible parties, other studies have detected similar gaps.
This message also contains an acknowledge for the last received Link Level Sequence Number, in order to allow the receiver to release sent packet buffers, and a Last Sent Sequence Number, allowing the receiver to detect gaps in the packet sequence.
On a task requiring the subject to detect and respond to a small gap in one of the sides of a square Kinsbourne (1973) found concurrent verbalisation to lead to a right hemifield superiority and humming to lead-to a bias in detecting gaps in the left visual hemifield.
Once you have detected gaps, how do you seal them to keep air from coming through?
Although, with study, one could no doubt detect gaps, nevertheless, 'for the purpose of the limited entry which the law makes into the field of morals, there is no practical difference'.
I'm detecting serious gaps in the communication and energy transfer systems.