Very often a tumor can be seen, so it is often possible to detect skin cancer at an early stage.
The first is a matter of detecting Williams's personal voice at a stage when it was little more than a whisper.
But if the cancer is not detected at an early stage, the survival rate drops.
He also plans to use the accelerator to treat lung cancer detected at an early stage.
An analysis of the communication profile database allows to detect potential network problems at an early stage.
There are other steps you can take to prevent skin cancer or detect it at an early stage.
Fortunately, the cancer seems to have been detected at an early stage, so the odds for successful treatment and cure may be good.
A. That's true, but it would be used to detect cancers at an earlier stage.
Such changes include the fact that some cancers are now being detected at an earlier stage then previously.
Advances in treatment and increased screening to detect cancers at an earlier stage are two reasons for the increase.